Mystery and Mahem abounds! Can you solve the crime? Are you brave enough to tour the Mt. Mora Cemetery? 

Bring your skills of deduction and join us in solving the Who-done-it mystery while exploring the Glore Psychiatric Museum. See visions of each suspect throughout the museum to solve the crime. After dinner (full catered Taco Bar with dessert and drinks) we travel to Mount Mora Cemetery for a living history tour to learn of ghost of the past.

Date: Friday Oct. 4th

Time: gathering at 2:45 pm. Departing promptly at 3:00 pm Return: 9:30 pm 

Tour gathers at I-Fly parking lot: 10975 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS 66210

Dress for the weather, bring a water bottle. Snacks provided. 

Tickets; $130.00 includes everything listed. Tickets are nonrefundable, however they are transferable. (There is an option for booking protection included at checkout for a small fee)