As someone who recently had the gift of time with my mother in her battle with Ovarian cancer, we spent 2.5 bonus years together almost daily. Lots of laughs along the way and time to get out and have some fun as she was able to. I am grateful for her 83 years and all the experiences we had with her.  The process really brought into focus the need for seniors to get out and about. 

It may sound strange to some but I absolutely love hanging out with older people. I did not have grandparents growing up.  I’ve come to appreciate the stories they share with their experiences. To take a tour to a museum and see an item that they grew up with and to hear the story about the day to day life with THAT item. So much fun to hear! You can’t get the emotions from history books. 

Time is fleeting and we never know what the day will bring. Gather your older people and take a trip with them . The things you learn about them along the way may surprise you. 

The image attached is our Mom. She grew up in NY in during the depression. 9 kids in the family! Dinner was cooked on this type of stove. They did not have a refrigerator, they had an ice box. To save money during the winter they collected their own ice for the ice box instead of having to purchase ice or just stored any food on the fire escape. 🙂 This image was taken at the Patee House in St. Joe Mo. one of my favorite tour destinations. This museum has an amazing collection of history. It’s hard to see it all in one day.

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